Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mr. Mustache (Almost) Takes the Week Off!

Today, I took a three hour nap.  I think a week of relaxing was very much needed!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mr. Mustache Creates a Holiday

Bread by Mr. Mustache has been giving fifty cents a loaf to my Uncle Brad.  He’s a great guy who has been helping the people of Uganda.  The first project Brad did last summer was to build a playground for the kids in Amazima Feeding Program.  Uganda doesn’t have playgrounds.  The kids had never seen a playground.  Most of the children in the feeding program are orphans.  Their lives are filled up with school and work.  I can’t imagine never having played on a swing or a slide.  I can’t imagine having to provide for my younger brother and sisters because my parents are dead.  These kids need some fun.  I am proud that my Uncle Brad did something about that.

Last fall Brad returned to Uganda to live there.  He has wrangled goats, built a chapel that serves as a classroom, and has begun teaching people farming skills too.  Brad does all of this because he loves Jesus.  He loves God’s people enough to move across the ocean (away from yummy Mr. Mustache Bread) and live and eat and be Ugandan. 

This has brought me to my decision to create a holiday.  Next week is International Bread Week and I will be giving all the money I earn to help Uncle Brad’s work.  Order some bread and help me raise money for Brad Lang, missionary to Uganda.
To receive next week’s bread list, email me at  mr.mustachebread@gmail.com
To read Brad’s Blog:  Nothing Compared to Eternity

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New on the Wall: Rich in Books and Rich in Bread

Barb is a great customer because she is consistent, understanding, and fun.  Barb is consistent because she orders one or two loaves of bread each week.  I know she is very understanding.  Once, I forgot to add salt to her sourdough.  I emailed her saying I had ruined her bread!  She wrote back and said it was ok.  It was a very nice email.  Barb is fun because she tries all my different breads.  I think Classic Whole Wheat is her family's favorite.  Thanks, Barb, for being a good customer.