Monday, July 18, 2011

Dr. Reed is Customer of the Week

My customer of the week is Dr. Reed, a knowledgeable professor at the Jamestown College, and his happy wife who is also a professor.  Dr. Reed took my bread to the sweet state of Iowa as a gift for his farming family.  This picture was taken on his trip.  Dr. Reed works with my father and has been kind to me since I moved to Jamestown.  I remember when I first saw his big beard and twinkling eyes looking down at me when I was five.
When I read this poem, I think of Dr. Reed and his mighty beard.

Books to the ceiling, books to the sky. 
My piles of books are a mile high. 
How I love them! 
How I need them! 
I’ll have a long beard by the time I read them. 
 By Arnold Lobel (just the poem--- the rest was written by Mr. Mustache.)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Getting to know the man behind the stache

According to my smart friend Isaac Reimers, my dad's cousin would be my cousin once removed.  My cousin once removed (or as I previously thought--my second cousin-- how embarrassing),  interviewed me for her blog.

Ellie is writing a series of young adult fantasy books and she writes a really fascinating blog too.

Mr. Mustache's interview by Ellie Ann