Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween, from Mr. Mustache!

NO Bread this week

Monday, October 24, 2011

Imperial is NOT Twisted

I am no longer twisting the Imperial.  Why, you may ask? For some reason my new oven doesn’t always cook the center of the twisted Imperial as well as the non-twisted.  Another reason is that I’ve had a hard time cleaning the Imperial’s sticky goodness off of the drying racks.  By not twisting the Imperial, we can keep the stickiness in.  That stickiness saved is extra goodness for you. It might not look as fancy, but it’s more practical and hopefully, more consistently delicious.   Let me know what you think.   

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Story About Bread

 “Face it Cowboy, everybody thinks I’m the best.” Padre strongly states.  With a huff, Cowboy retorts, ”O really!  I was sold and loved before you were even made, Padre.” 
“But haven’t you noticed that I’m the one that gets ordered the most!”  Padre says with a smirk.  Cowboy sneers, “You’re just a knock off of Sourdough Sam.”  Sourdough Sam  considers getting involved in the scuffle, but thinks to himself, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
 “You’re just jealous, Cowboy, because I’m the perfect bread.  I’m made with an expensive blend of cheeses, including aged Parmesan.  I’m baked in a steamed oven.  I’m refined.  I have European flare.”

 Cowboy says in a harsh tone, “Stop.  Stop.  Stop.  I’m soft and chewy.  You’re hard and rough.  Enough said.”

Mr. Mustache Classic, snuggled up in his afghan, says with a kind old smile, “Children, settle down.  All breads have their advantages and their disadvantages.  We are all loved and respected.  We all have our own unique characteristics, but whole wheat bread is the best.”  

Any of you want to get  involved?  Which is your favorite cheese bread? 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Special Requests

Special Requests I can’t do:
1.     I will not make your bread into a bomb (so quit asking).
2.     For those of you who can’t have gluten, I am very sorry, but I cannot produce gluten-free bread inexpensively or with the same quality as my normal breads.  Also, I am not interested in specializing in gluten-free.  Therefore, after many attempts, I am saying no to gluten-free baking.

Special Requests I can do:
1.     The classic request:  I can make a loaf of Imperial bread without raisins.
2.     I can make a Sourdough Sam yeast-free.
3.     The Padre with peppers is only available if you sign a contract saying that you will not sue Mr. Mustache for making bread too good or too spicy.
4.     I can make a vegan bread using almost all whole wheat flour.   Here is how one customer described it:

   “We love the whole wheat Bumpkin bread.  It is fabulous!  It has an excellent texture that feels rich and chewy when you bite into it.  This bread also makes wonderful toast.  The outside gets warm and crispy and the inside remains soft and almost cake-like.  Very delicious!” 

(I wish I could write this well!)

If you have any more ideas, I would be happy to give it a try.