Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nurse Teree named Mr. Mustache Customer of the Week!

Teree is one of my most loyal customers.  Way back in the cold December of 2010 when Mr. Mustache was a wee little baker who made only one kind of bread, Teree was there. She bought ten loaves of Classic whole wheat bread to give as gifts for all her neighbors.  From that time on, Teree has been a supporter of Mr.  Mustache.  She also has supported my Uncle Brad.  He was in the nursing department where Teree teaches before he went to Uganda.  When Brad has medical questions about people he is helping, Teree is there to give advice.  Another great thing about Teree is that she is a grandma, and she shares her bread with her grandchildren.   Thank you Teree for your kindess towards me and others.  


  1. Great choice for customer of the week. When I chose to move to Uganda and leave the nursing program I tried to weigh my options. Funny thing about Teree is that she was on both sides of my scale. I thought about how leaving would eliminate my opportunity to get to know her better and learn from her (which is a crazy great opportunity and would have blessed me immensely both professionally and personally), but on the other hand I knew that going to work in Uganda and dedicating my life to service is exactly what she would want me to do.

    Thanks Teree for who you are and thanks Isaiah for your great judgment of character in your choices for customer of the week.

    From Uganda,
    Uncle Brad

  2. I love your blog. I love people who rock the fake mustache. I also love that you have a great purpose and a commitment to making quality bread. The only thing I don't like is that you don't live in Georgia!
